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An old Scientific American logo featuring elegant typography, scroll work, and illustrations of a industrial-age town.

These are articles for which I created or provided the graphics, wrote the text, or art directed the illustrations.

I worked closely with Amanda Montanez and Jen Christiansen in this internship and their guidance and feedback has been invaluable. 


Ancillary information is formatted as follows: Topic | Article Type | Media | Author(s)

Front cover of the October 2024 issue of the Scientific American magazine featuring an illustration of a rocket set against a sky with an exaggerated moon. The headline reads, How to Go Back to the Moon: Inside NASA's ambitious, controversial Artemis mission


The Astronaut Club (1/18/2025)

Space, Culture | Graphics Science | Print (Feb Issue) & Digital | Copy by Clara Moskowitz

Hurricanes Kill People for Years after the Initial Disaster (10/2/2024)

Climate, Society | News | Digital | by Andrea Thompson

Why Is It So Hard to Go Back to the Moon? (9/17/2024)

Space, Society | Feature | Print (Oct Issue) & Digital | by Sarah Scoles

Why So Many Kids Still Die in Hot Cars Every Year (9/24/2024)

Public Health | News | Digital | by Andrea Thompson

Black Hole Detectors Fulfill Moore’s Law (9/4/2024)

Space, Technology | Opinion | Digital | by Imre Bartos & Szabolcs Marka 

Heat Is More Than Just Temperature—Here’s How We Measure It (8/1/2024)

Graphics reused in 'Corn Sweat’ and Climate Change Bring Sweltering Weather to the Midwest (8/26/2024)

Environment | News | Digital | by Andrea Thompson

Art Direction

Here’s Why Birds Look So Goofy When They Run (11/18/2024)

Biology | Art Direction | Digital

We collaborated with Kate Francis from Brown Bird Studio to illustrate an emu exhibiting the continuous contact running gate. I provided Kate with the source materials and goals, working with her to fine-tune the illustration. The original online article was published September 24th. We commissioned the illustration to accompany the article in the November print issue of the magazine and was retroactively added to the online piece. 

Graphic shows five frames of an emu figure doing “grounded running” and highlights how the hips and knees are tucked up into the bird’s body.
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