Data Visualization Society
Programs Director
Oct 2024 - Present
The prior programs director stepped away due to a change in life circumstances that complicated their committment to serving DVS and I was asked by the Executive Director to step into this role for the rest of the term.
I am still in the midst of onboarding in this role, but as the PD I oversee the Mentorship program, the State of the Industry Survey, the Information is Beautiful Awards, Fireside Chats, data challenges, and more. My goal is to further the utility of DVS and ensure we are serving the more established members of our community, the hobbyists, and those who make data visualizations as part of their job but not as their entire job just as well as the early career community.

Early Career Director
March - Sept 2024
I came on as a mid-term appointment to the position after the previous director went MIA, leaving the community in a state of inactivity. Having started hosting tea times in the lull, the DVS Board extended an invitation to continue that work formally, which I accepted without reservations.
In this role, I established a calendar of monthly recurring events: tea times, coworking sessions, readers' club, and Q&A with an Expert seminars. In 7 months, I hosted 26 virtual events, reaching over 800 unique community members. Additionally, I organized and hosted an in-person Q&A panel as a unconference session at Outlier 2024, featuring Matthias Stahl, Taj Carson, Kevin Wee, and Agata Ketterick (read the transcript).
I also helped establish the Early Career Committee, a group of volunteers excited about contributing and expanding upon the work I started to further serve the early career community.